
Written test n.º 2

14 Abril 2016, 10:00 Fernando Jorge da Costa de Brissos

Written test on topic b of the syllabus.

Barlavento Algarvio

14 Abril 2016, 08:00 Esperança Cardeira

Subdialetos de Portugal Continental: o vocalismo do Barlavento Algarvio.

(ppt da aula no portal)

Written test n.º 1

12 Abril 2016, 10:00 Fernando Jorge da Costa de Brissos

Written test on topics a and b of the syllabus.


12 Abril 2016, 08:00 Esperança Cardeira

Subdialetos em Portugal Continental: caraterísticas específicas do Baixo Minho e Douro Litoral e da Beira Baixa-Alto Alentejo.

Syntactic and morphosyntactic features of the African varieties of Portuguese

7 Abril 2016, 10:00 Fernando Jorge da Costa de Brissos

- Some syntactic and morphosyntactic features of Portuguese in Africa (number, gender and subject-verb agreement; forms of address; prepositions; double object constructions; Tense, Mood and Aspect (TMA); placement patterns of object clitic pronouns; relative and interrogative clauses);
- Exercises (identification of some syntactic and morphosyntactic features of the African varieties of Portuguese)

- Ppt presentation given to students