
Kierkegaard’s Ethics and the Mysterious Case of Abraham

18 Abril 2024, 14:00 Pedro Galvão

Aula com a Prof. Christine Habbard, U. Lille

Kierkegaard’s Ethics and the Mysterious Case of Abraham

My lecture will focus on Kierkegaard’s well-known text on Abraham’s sacrifice, Fear and Trembling. What will, and what should Abraham do? Heed his God and kill his son, or follow his paternal love and duty of responsibility? Fear and Trembling is most often interpreted as advocating for the former: Abraham was “right” to choose to sacrifice Isaac, Kierkegaard allegedly says. This paves the way for a possible “teleological suspension of the ethical”, a move beyond the universality of, say, Kantian ethics:

In this text, Kierkegaard is thus commonly understood as unfurling a majestic red carpet to the “knight of faith” and the religious stage, which would here be validated as the ultimate stage on life’s way, the closest way to approach and live the truth, as well as enact singularity.

I will propose an altogether different reading of the text, and suggest that, far from allowing us to somehow go “beyond” the ethical stage, Kierkegaard on the contrary uses this text to explore ethics and their difficulties. I will look at the issue of timeliness and temporality, and that of the moral dilemma – the real test of any ethical system. There is indeed a sacrifice involved – but that is true of any moral action. Abraham chisels it out for us, but he should be viewed precisely in his universality, rather than in his singularity.

My contention is that far from ditching ethics, Kierkegaard rehabilitates them. His discussion is not so much with theology as with Kant. 

Ética das virtudes

16 Abril 2024, 14:00 Pedro Galvão

12. Ética das virtudes

  • A ética das virtudes generalista de Rosalind Hursthouse
  • A ética das virudes particularista de Julia Annas

Regra de Ouro e particularismo

15 Abril 2024, 14:00 Pedro Galvão

10. A Regra de Ouro

  • A Regra de Ouro segundo Harry Gensler
  • A crítica de Kant à Regra de Ouro
  • Derek Parfit em defesa da Regra de Ouro
12. Particularismo
  • Particularismo vs. generalismo
  • O particularismo como perspectiva teórica
  • O particulairsmo como perspectiva prática

Consequencialismo das regras

11 Abril 2024, 14:00 Pedro Galvão

9. Códigos morais ideais

  • Consequencialismo das regras: objecções e defesas

Consequencialismo das regras

9 Abril 2024, 14:00 Pedro Galvão

9. Códigos morais ideais

  • Consequencialismo das regras: versões e questões de formulação