
Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge (contd.). Tests for identifying syntactic functions; basic word order and some of the reasons for changes in word order.

4 Maio 2022, 11:00 Marina Vigário

Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge (contd.). Tests for identifying syntactic functions; basic word order and some of the reasons for changes in word order.

Revising some points related to lexical knowledge.

Ppt presentations used in class, bibliography, exercises and other relevant information can be found in the course webpage

2ª prova de avaliação escrita presencial

2 Maio 2022, 15:30 Fernanda Pratas

Nesta aula, foi realizado o segundo teste para avaliação: 30 alunos compareceram nesta prova. 7 alunos pediram para fazer a sua prova noutro dia: 5 destes fizeram-na no dia 4, às 11h (aquando da realização de uma prova escrita noutra turma), e outras 2 fá-la-ão no dia 9, antes da aula.

Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge (contd.). A closer look at syntactic ambiguity. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations among words. Syntactic categories and subclasses.

2 Maio 2022, 11:00 Marina Vigário

Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge (contd.). A closer look at syntactic ambiguity. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations among words. Syntactic categories and subclasses.


Ppt presentations used in class, bibliography, exercises and other relevant information can be found in the course webpage.

Ainda sobre a linguagem humana

27 Abril 2022, 15:30 Fernanda Pratas

Nesta aula, foi apresentado um vídeo sobre significados e ambiguidades estruturais, bem como um resumo de alguns detalhes de variação de clíticos de objeto em português europeu.

Overview of the subjects addressed in the last few classes. Notes on the relation between the order of phrases within sentences and syntactic functions. A closer look at syntactic ambiguity.

27 Abril 2022, 11:00 Marina Vigário

Overview of the subjects addressed in the last few classes. Notes on the relation between the order of phrases within sentences and syntactic functions. A closer look at syntactic ambiguity (to be continued in the following class). 

A brief comment on the exercises scheduled for today’s class.

Ppt presentations used in class, bibliography, exercises and other relevant information can be found in the course webpage