
The arts

16 Dezembro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Brief overview of the Enlightenment period in Great-Britain focused on artistic achievments.

The rise of the novel: its definition, main characteristics  and identification with the then-current reading public.
Music: great composers and the development of opera  - Italian opera and others. Mozart's The Magic Flute; and synphony. British examples: Handel's Messiah and coronation anthems.
Religious music and its popuparised versions, espe ially Christmas carols which are still part of current culture.


14 Dezembro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Written test.

Note: Due to the meteorologic uncertain conditions the test was done in zoom.


9 Dezembro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Preparation for the coming test.

The test will consist of two questions, the second one with an alternative (A and B).

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man

7 Dezembro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The French Revolution: its causes and objectives. The fall of the Old Regime and the symbolism of the storming of the Bastille on July 14 1789. Exploration of the Revolution's motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternité.

Thomas Paine's Rights of Man: the analysis of the American and French Constitutions as the foundational doucment of the rising democracies and the fundamental rights they comprehend, such asthe abolition of nobility titles, freedom of thought, expression and faith.   Its fundamental role in the U.S.A's  and the French New Régime's  creation of the tripartition of power, as well as its impact on the reestructuring of society. 
How Paine compares these new democracies with the English/British reality.

The American Revolution

2 Dezembro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The causes that led the American settlers to rebell against the metropolitan seat of power.

The taxation discussion in connection with patliamentary (no)participation.
The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776: its main arhuments and impact.
The notion of natural rights - life, liberty, free speech, religious and intellectual freedom in general, - and civil rights as the extension of the former but only colectivelly/ socially achievable - safety of the individuals qnd their property, 
The war with Great-Britain and the consrquences of the Ametican victory.

Tests handover and revision.