
Exploration of Cromwell’s speeches

28 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Cromwell’s speeches as evidence of his ideology and political praxis.

The paradox between  Cromwell's parliamentary origin and legitimacy and his authoritarian way of dealing with administrative issues, local politics, and everyday life such as costumes, colective entertainment and traditions.
 Cronwell's growing tension with Parliament and the puritan, religious rethorics as a tool to enforce and  justify his decisions and actions, namely the dissolution of Parliament.

Oliver Cromwell’s Protectorate.

26 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Oliver Cromwell’s Protectorate.

The immediate consrquences of the civil war: the yrial and execution of the king and the abolition / suspension of monarchy; tge creation of the title of Lord Protector to define  Cromwell's  rule.

The puritan rule and the changes it imposed the current way of living. The military canpaign to subdue Catholic Ireland; victory, Irish bloodshed and the seizing of Irish properties with the subsequent transference to Engljsh landowners,

The shift in external political affairs and the empbasis on protectionist national objectives, namely the strenghtwning of mer antilist measures such as the Navigation Acts.

Session cancelled.

21 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Due to health pro lrms, this session was canelled.

Ideologies from Renaissance

19 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

From the centralisation of the royal power to absolutism.

The ftransitionfromthe Tudor to the Stuart dynasty: the reign of James, I of England and VI of Scotland and de facto union of the two crowns; his external political attenpts to balance English relationship with Catholic and Protestant countries.
 Charles I reign: attempts to control Parliament and emulate the French absolutist model. 
The rising opposition in Parliament;  the divide into two factions, Royalists and Roundheads.
The outbreak of Civil War and its consrquencez.

Reading of Thomas More’s Utopia

14 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Approach of Book I of Thomas More’s Utopia. 

Main  issues addressed by the narrator: the justice system and its failure to prevent the increase of criminality. 
Social and economic causes of unemployment and consequent poverty: wars and the enclosure system; the current hierarchy and the unbalanced distribution  of labour.
The questioning of monarchy.