Translating in Antiquity and Medieval Europe  (Lecture)

17 Março 2021, 11:00 Zsófia Gombár

Mini presentations


1) Lecturer gave a presentation on Sense for Sense Translation in Antiquity (Cicero and Horace).

2) The lecture was followed by a quiz related to its content. The correct answers were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed in class.


3) Lecturer gave a presentation on Sense for Sense Translation (St Jerome).


4) Group work: Sts were divided into four groups, and moved to breakout rooms. Sts previously received their tasks and a power point template by email. Each group had to present the author of the text allotted to the group, summarise the excerpt by the author, and reflect on their own opinion concerning its content. 


          Group 1/ Task 1 (Cicero: De Optimo Genere Oratorum)

          Group 2/ Task 2 (Horace: Art of Poetry)

          Group 3/ Task 3 (St Jerome: Chronicles of Eusebius 1-2)

          Group 4/Task 4 (King Alfred: Preface to his translation of Boethius’ De Consolatione Philosophiae)