Defining 'Translation' I

20 Setembro 2021, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

1)  The different concepts and meanings of the word ‘translation’ were discussed:


in Ukrainian by Yaroslava Savka

in Russian by Ana Sufrai

in Chinese by Rafaela Esteves

in Italian by Renata Ribeiro

in Portuguese by Renata Ribeiro

in Romanian by Diana Mocan

in German by Guilherme

2) Sts were asked individually to give their own personal definition of “translation” via google form:


How would you define translation in one or two words?


A selected number of definitions were read out and commented by Sts.


3) Group work: Sts now were required to give a formal definition of ‘translation’ via google form.


Sts were asked to form 8 groups and worked together on the definition.


A group leader was selected, who filled in the google form:


Every definition was read out loud by the group leaders, respectively. The lecturer asked specific questions about Sts’ word choices and concepts behind the definitions.