Sense-for-Sense Translation versus Word-for-Word Translation

30 Março 2022, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts watched a short film on sense-for-sense literary translation, created by Peter Constantine and Brian Sneeden from the University of Connecticut.


Then Sts took a short google form quiz related to the video. They could work in pairs or individually.


Sts were divided into three groups.


The presentation templates were displayed on the blogspot ‘Group Work. Defining Translation’ of our educational blog Translationhistory2022:


Group 1 word-for-word translation


Group 2 sense-for-sense translation


Group 3 adaptation


Sts were asked to give a short definition, to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the method in question, and also when to use and not to use it.

Finally, the mini-presentations were delivered by the group leaders and discussed in class.