
Watching a debate

28 Setembro 2016, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Students watch a debate between Cambridge Law Professor Graham Virgo and Lord Jonathan Sumption, Judge of the Supreme Court, on the following motion

 'Those wishing to practise law should not study law at university"

How to become a lawyer

26 Setembro 2016, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Students read and discuss texts on what it means to study law at Cambridge and Harvard Universities (Student's Workbook)

Main features of legal English

21 Setembro 2016, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Main features of legal English

assessment criteria and course unit guidelines

19 Setembro 2016, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Assessment criteria and course unit guidelines.

Students will be assessed throughout the semester on oral and written work.  Weighting will be as follows:

writing test   50%

individual participation in debate(s)   20%

oral, written task-based assignments and active participation in class  25%

attendance   5%

 Since assessment will be conducted on a regular basis, any task that is not submitted when due and/or any form of plagiarism (including representing anyone's work as your own or receiving any authorised assistance) will be given a zero.

 Worker students, please note that you may opt for continuous assessment (in which case you will have to comply with all the assessment criteria set for regular students) OR sit an examination to be held in January 2017. The examination will focus on the contents of the syllabus adopted for Legal English .


Semester calendar

The writing test will be held on December 12. Dates for debates will be set in class.

Tutorials are made by appointment with the teacher.