Programme and assessment rules.
19 Setembro 2016, 14:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Programme and assessment rules.
The course will follow the objectives for the Threshold Level (B1.1) outlined in the Council of Europe document Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). At the end of the semester, the student: (a) will have developed his/her ability to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.; (b) will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where English is spoken; (c) will be able to produce simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest; (d) will be able to write, read, listen to (with understanding) and react (showing comprehension) to narrative texts regarding similar situations with others.
Students will engage in reading and producing texts on familiar matters or of personal interest, in describing experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly giving reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Students will also engage in listening comprehension exercises and comprehension exercises from short stories, poems and films on themes tackled in class. Special emphasis will be given to B1.1 lexicogrammatical structures.
In accordance with Regulamento Geral de Avaliação da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, students will be assessed on oral and written work throughout the semester. Weighting will be as follows:
- first test 15%
- second test 35%
- oral and written task-based assignments 50% consisting of
o a speaking paper 20%
o homework/class work and active participation in class 25%
o attendance 5%
Since assessment will be conducted on a regular basis, any task that is not submitted when due and/or any form of plagiarism will be given a zero. Any student who fails to do one of the above-mentioned tests/tasks will be given a zero. Worker students may, if they so wish, opt for continuous assessment (in which case they will have to comply with all the assessment criteria set for regular students) OR sit an examination to be held in January 2017. The examination will focus on the contents of the syllabus adopted for the B1.1 level.
Tests will take place on the following dates:
First test: 9 November 2016
Second Test: 30 November 2016
Any student who fails to sit one of the above-mentioned tests will be given a zero (out of twenty) for the test he/she has missed.
Attendance is compulsory. For exceptions, please check the Regulamento geral de avaliação da faculdade de letras da universidade de Lisboa at
B1.1 Course Book First Semester 2016-2017 (compulsory – please bring your course book to every class) – available from Reprografia Vermelha.
Extra materials may be sent by email.