
Final class - final marks

30 Maio 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, students received their final marks and were wished a good summer!

It was a great semester everyone. Thanks for all of your hard work!

Oral presentations continued...

28 Maio 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, the following students carried out their oral presentations:

Inês Jacinto

Mônica Vieira

Carmelise Marques

Next class: students will receive their final marks.

Oral Presentations

23 Maio 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The following students carried out their oral presentations:

  • Neuza Paulino
  • Ângela Frutuoso
  • Joyce Boa Morte
  • Raphaella Castro

Next class, the following students will do their oral presentations:

  • Inês Jacinto

  • Mônica Vieira

  • Carmelise Marques

  • Débora Gomes

Speaking Workshop Part 2

21 Maio 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Speaking Workshop Part 2:

  • Speak Dating:
    • this is basically 'speed dating' but with a different objective: instead of trying to find the loves of their lives, students strove to speak really good English as they told their 'dates' all about themselves, where they're from, what they do, what they like and dislike, things they're willing to compromisse on, dealbreakers, etc. 
  • The Tate Museum comes to FLUL:
    • room 1.1 was transformed into the Tate Gallery (well, with me as curator, obviously) and students were required to walk in pairs and talk about the art.  They were instructed to do exactly what they would do in a real gallery, i.e. spend as much or as little time as they please looking at any given painting - they could spend the entire 10 minutes looking at one painting, for all I cared - but they must keep talking about the painting in English.
  • Oral Exam rehearsal:
    • students did a rehearsal of their oral presentation in pairs or threes; students gave each other feedback on the presentations and asked relevant questions.

Oral Presentation In-class Preparation

16 Maio 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Due to a lack of students, students carried out the last exercise from the speaking workshop:

  • Tell your partner about your upcoming oral presentation. Include information such as: 
    • The topic; 
    • Why you chose your topic; 
    • Any information you would like to give on the topic; 
    • Your goals for your oral presentation (i.e. what you would like people to understand or learn); 
    • Your hopes and fears abour your presentation.
Students then went on to do in-class preparation for their upcoming presentations addressing any vocabulary issues with the teacher.