
Reading, Listening, Speaking...

4 Abril 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students scandalously did not do their homework, so they re-read the B1.1 Reading: Free Time reading comprehension exercise in class and proceeded to answer the questions they should have done for homework.  (Positively scandalous.) 

Students then did the B1.1 Listening: Free Time Activities exercise.  For those of you who didn't come to class, please complete this listening exercise at home (as your mid-term listening test is coming up):

Students then completed the Bingo! speaking exercise (and we had loads of fun, so tough luck to those of you who didn't come to class).

Homework - B1.1 Writing: Nothing but Free Time

Write a piece about what you would do with your time if you won the lottery and why. The assignment should be 150-200 words long.  Please write your name and class number (TP2) at the beginning of your assignment.  Please see the coursebook for the due date.

Speaking, Writing, Reading...

21 Março 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students started off by completing last class' speaking exercise:

B1.1 Speaking: Your Worst House-share/Flat-share experience

Get into groups of pairs and share your worst house-share/flat-share experiences.  If you’ve never shared a house with anyone, describe the challenging aspects of sharing a home with your family or your partner.

They then went on to do the in-class writing exercise (and they were mostly very good!):

B1.1 In-class Writing: Your Best House-share/Flat-share experience

Write a short piece (half a page of A4 or a full page of A5) describing the best house-share/flat-share experience of your life.  If you’ve never shared a house or flat with anyone, describe the best memories you have of sharing a home with your family or partner.

Students began reading the B1.1 Reading: Free Time reading comprehension exercise.


Students must:

  1. finish reading B1.1 Reading: Free Time;
  2. look up in dictionaries or online any difficult vocabulary;
  3. answer the questions;
  4. check the answers.


Reading, Listening and Speaking...

19 Março 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP4 re-read the B1 Reading: Accommodation text and answered the questions.  We then checked the answers on:

TP4 then listened to the following audio recording (B1.1 Listening: Accommodation) and answered all related questions:

Following this, students did the following speaking exercise:

  • B1.1 Speaking: Your Worst House-share/Flat-share experience

    Get into groups of three and share with the group your worst house-share/flat-share experiences.  If you’ve never shared a house with anyone, describe the challenging aspects of sharing a home with your family or your partner.

Next class

  • Students will be feeding back to the class what they learned about their partners' worst hourse-share experience;
  • Students will be doing their first in-class writing assignment.

Speaking and Reading...

14 Março 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

B1.1 Speaking: the Education System

Students spoke in class about about their primary and/or secondary school educations in the country they are from.  They shared with the class some of their personal experiences at school


B1.1 Writing: Your Education

Tell me what school was like for you when you were younger.  You can choose to focus on either your primary or your secondary school.  Alternatively, you can write about how your current university experience is going.  The assignment should be 150-200 words long.  Please write your name and class number (TP4) at the beginning of your assignment.

B1 Reading: Accommodation

Students then went on to read the Accommodation article and got a grip on the vocabulary. 

Next class:

Students will answer the questions related to the text.

Speaking, Reading, Listening...

12 Março 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP4 started off with the speaking exercise:  B1.1 Speaking: Describing yourself

They got into pairs and asked each other the following questions:

  1. What’s your name?

  2. Tell me about your family and/or your pets?

  3. What do you do?

  4. What three things do you like most?

  5. What three things do you dislike most?

  6. If you could do anything – or be anywhere – what/where would it be?

  7. Any other questions…

Following this, TP4 did the reading exercise and answered all related questions.  Those who did not come to class should do the reading and answer all questions at home as soon as possible.

Following the reading exercise, students listened to the audio clip and answered all related questions.  Again, those who did not come to class should do the listening exercise at home and check their answers.  The clip can be found here: