
Dragons' Den

29 Setembro 2022, 17:00 Alexis Hannah Somerville

Dragons' Den video listening

Group presentation planning
Group presentations and negotiation with other group

Homework: Mini quiz on Moodle

Comparatives and superlatives, speaking test info

27 Setembro 2022, 17:00 Alexis Hannah Somerville

Comparatives and superlatives review and practice

Introduction to speaking test

Homework: gap fill exercise (verbs)
You can find the homework on Moodle under Week 3 (Lesson 5)

Lesson 5

27 Setembro 2022, 09:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Success is a continuous journey" - a TED talk by Richard St. John 

- Grammar: Narrative tenses 

Homework: grammar exercises (narrative tenses, see coursebook) 

Course closed

26 Setembro 2022, 14:00 Alexis Hannah Somerville

Course closed

Lesson 4

23 Setembro 2022, 09:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Try something new for 30 days" - a TED talk by Matt Cutts (see p. 16)

- "30-day challenge" - reading + vocabulary (pp. 10-11)

- Grammar review: present perfect vs. past simple (p. 18 - finish at home), questions (pp. 11, 13-14)