
Discursive essays continued. Linking words/phrases. Tips for giving oral presentations.

22 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Writing a discursive essay continued. An exercise about linking words/phrases used in discursive essays. Tips for giving an oral presentation about a book or film: (a) planning your presentation: structure and contents; (b) how to organise Powerpoint slides; (c) tips for speaking; (d) peer evaluation of presentations. HOMEWORK: Read the short story "Neighbours" by Paul Theroux and complete the task sheet linked to you Reading Circle role.

Discursive essays continued. Linking words/phrases. Tips for giving oral presentations.

22 Novembro 2017, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Writing a discursive essay continued. An exercise about linking words/phrases used in discursive essays. Tips for giving an oral presentation about a book or film: (a) planning your presentation: structure and contents; (b) how to organise Powerpoint slides; (c) tips for speaking; (d) peer evaluation of presentations. HOMEWORK: Read the short story "Neighbours" by Paul Theroux and complete the task sheet linked to you Reading Circle role.

Modal Verbs. Watch & Debate: New Boy

21 Novembro 2017, 10:00 Ana Rita Martins

Modal Verbs. In-class exercises.

Watch & Debate: New Boy (film available at
Debate questions. New Boy and Pigeon English.

Modal Verbs. Watch & Debate: New Boy

21 Novembro 2017, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Modal Verbs. In-class exercises.

Watch & Debate: New Boy (film available at
Debate questions. New Boy and Pigeon English.

Simple Past vs Past Perfect. Writing a discursive essay.

20 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Grammar practice: Simple Past vs Past Perfect. Writing a discursive essay: (a) the structure of three different types of essay: (1) opinion essay; (2) for and against essay;  solutions to a problem essay; (b) analysing the structure of a sample essay; (c) planning your essay; (d) useful language and linking words. In-class assignment: writing an opinion essay (instructions on page 50).