
Listening Test

14 Novembro 2017, 10:00 Ana Rita Martins

Listening Test (weighs 10% of final mark)

Listening Test

14 Novembro 2017, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Listening Test (weighs 10% of final mark)


13 Novembro 2017, 16:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha


Discussion of the short story "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame.

13 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of the short story "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame based on Reading Circle roles assigned to students; (a) discussion within the Reading Circle groups; (b) joint discussion of the short story led by one of the Reading Circle groups. HOMEWORK: do the exercises about the Simple Past vs Present Perfect sent to you by email.

Discussion of the short story "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame.

13 Novembro 2017, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of the short story "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame based on Reading Circle roles assigned to students; (a) discussion within the Reading Circle groups; (b) joint discussion of the short story led by one of the Reading Circle groups. HOMEWORK: do the exercises about the Simple Past vs Present Perfect sent to you by email.