
Reading: Frazer Avenue by Guy Garcia

18 Março 2024, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 began reading Guy Garcia's Frazer Avenue.

Next class: we will continue to read Frazer Avenue.

Optional Homework Assignment 4: What do you know about worldwide emigration / immigration? Do you think it’s increasing or decreasing? Do some research and write a report about:  1) the advantages and disadvantages of immigration; 2) where you would like to live (outside of Portugal) and why?; 3) what the most difficult things about living in another country would be and what you would enjoy most.  Due 31st March.

Anyone wishing to do the optional homework assignment on immigration and who wants an inspiring documentary to watch, can watch these at home:

Reading: Bruce Holland Rogers's 'Little Brother'

13 Março 2024, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP3 finished reading Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings and read Bruce Holland Rogers's Little Brother.

Optional Homework Assignment 3: Write an alternative ending to ‘Happy Endings’.  Due: 18th of March.

Next class: Reading: Frazer Avenue.

Reading: Margaret Atwood's 'Happy Endings'

11 Março 2024, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP3 began reading - and learning vocabulary from - Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings. 

Next class: we will finish reading Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings and begin reading Bruce Holland Rogers's Little Brother.

Reading: the Pros and Cons of University Life

6 Março 2024, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP3 continued to read - and learn vocabulary from -  the article '$10M hazing lawsuit alleges Sigma Chi pledges at CofC were subject to physical abuse'.  We then went to begin reading the article entitled 'University students more at risk of depression than non-students – study'.  

Students then got into groups of four and discussed the following topics:
  • their reasons for being at university - their hopes and aspirations.
  • the worries for the future - what obstacles do they imagine might get in the way of their hopes and aspirations?
Homework: students should finish reading this article and read the remaining two articles on hazing and university students' mental health (available on the shared Google drive).  Optional Homework Assignment 2: What are your dreams for the future?  What are you studying/doing at the moment to build towards that future?  How hard/easy do you think it will be?  What challenges do you think await you?  What are your hopes and fears?  Due: 17th March.

Next class: Reading: Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings

Grammar Test

4 Março 2024, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP3 carried out their grammar test.

Good luck to everyone!