
Shujing, Shiji, Hanshu, Hou Hanshu

10 Fevereiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Literature and historical prose

Reading in class: The canon of Yao

Chinese literature before 100 A.D.

7 Fevereiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

the Historical Prose and the Philosophers.

Idema, Wilt - Haft, Lloyd, A guide to Chinese literature. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan, Center for Chinese studies, 1997 (Part I, Part II - ch. 9 excluded, Part III only pp. 103-113)

China: From oral to written literature; from earliest times to the invention of paper A

3 Fevereiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Shi Qiang bronze vessel (pan), Middle Western Zhou Dynasty (end of tenth century B.C.)
Cauldron of Duke of Mao

Hundred Schools of Thought

  • Canon of Yao; Canon of Shun; Ode 235, in De Bary, Wm. Theodore. 2008. Sources of East Asian tradition, pp. 24-39.
  • Idema, Wilt - Haft, Lloyd, A guide to Chinese literature. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan, Center for Chinese studies, 1997 (Part I, Part II - ch. 9 excluded, Part III only pp. 103-113).
  • Jia Jinhua. 2004. "An Interpretation of the Term fu 賦 in Early Chinese Texts: From Poetic Form to Poetic Technique and Literary Genre". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR). 26: 55-76.
  • Kern, Martin "Ritual, Text, and the Formation of the Canon: Historical Transitions of Wen in Early China”. T'oung Pao 87, 1 (2001): 43-91.

The Central tradition and the legacy of Chinese language and literature

31 Janeiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

The Central tradition and the legacy of Chinese language and literature: the case of Korea and Japan
    • Falkenhausen, Lothar von. “The Concept of Wen in the Ancient Chinese Ancestral Cult.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 18 (1996): 1–22. (JSTOR) 
    • Nylan, Michael (1999) “Calligraphy, the Sacred Text and Test of Culture” in Liu, Cary Y., Dora C. Y. Ching, and Judith G. Smith (ed.) Character & context in Chinese calligraphy. [Princeton, N.J.]: Art Museum, Princeton University. 

    Literature, literatus and the canon

    27 Janeiro 2022, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

    • Definition of literature
    • Oral literature-Paul Sebillot (1846-1918)
    • Antoine Compagnon - The scope of literature
    • Literature and Orality - Storytelling and storytellers
    • Inscriptions - oracle bones, silk, bamboo, bronze, paper
    • Libraries
    • Print 
    Goody, Jack - From Oral to Written: An Anthropological Breakthrough in Storytelling
    Kornicki, Peter Francis - “The Oral Dimension”, in Languages, script, and Chinese texts in East Asia
    Kornicki, Peter Francis - “Classics, Examinations, and Confucianims”, in Languages, script, and Chinese texts in East Asia
    Shaughnessy, Edward L. - “History and Inscriptions, China”, in The Oxford History of Historical writings v. 1