
Japan: aesthetics values

12 Abril 2024, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • mono no aware
  • hana
  • kotoba
Marra Michael F. 1999. Modern Japanese Aesthetics : A Reader. Honolulu: University of Hawaiì Press. 
Motoori Norinaga and Michele Marra. 2007. The Poetics of Motoori Norinaga : A Hermeneutical Journey. Honolulu HI: University of Hawai'i Press.

The age of Man’yōshū, the Kokinwakashū and other anthologies

10 Abril 2024, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • (Alexander Vovin's edition)
  • Kokinwakashū (Kokin Wakashū)
Katō, Shūichi, and Don Sanderson. 1997. A history of Japanese literature: from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library.
De Bary Wm Theodore Donald Keene George Tanabe and Paul Varley. 2010. Sources of Japanese Tradition : Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. New York: Columbia University Press.
Vovin, Alexander (2009–2018). Man'yoshu: A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary [20 volumes]. Global Oriental/Brill.

Kojiki e Nihonshoki - alguns excertos

5 Abril 2024, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Introdução do Kojiki - a língua

Excertos do Nihonshoki
Os kataribe

Aula de Reposição 08-11/04/2024
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ID da reunião: 939 9814 9457
Senha: 977402

Kojiki e Nihonshoki

3 Abril 2024, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Estrutura das primeiras historiografias do Japão (o *Kojiki não pertence ás Rikkokushi)

Link apresentações 13-14/05

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ID da reunião: 932 3358 7559
Senha: 881284

Japanese literature: an introduction

22 Março 2024, 11:00 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • Japanese literature - periodization
  • Nihon bungaku

Katō, Shūichi, and Don Sanderson. 1997. A history of Japanese literature: from the Man'yōshū to modern times. Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library.

Haruo Shirane Tomi Suzuki David Lurie. 2016. The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature-Cambridge University Press.

Lurie, David. 2011. Realms of Literacy: Early Japan and the History of Writing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center.