
Popular vs quality press: Comparing and contrasting two news stories on the same event.

29 Outubro 2024, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reaction papers handed back and feedback given on them.

Individual press review (The Week in Review: Your Pick of Stories) - instructions explained; rubric (assessment criteria); tips on how to organise an oral presentation.

Popular vs quality press: in-class group activity: comparing and contrasting the language features and overall style of two news stories reporting on the same event - TEXT 11 "Pride of Britain Awards 2011 ...", Daily Mirror; TEXT 12 - "Pensioner prevented jewellery raid ...", The Guardian ((to be continued next class).

Headlines: crash blossoms and shared knowledge.

24 Outubro 2024, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: analysing examples of garden-path sentences or crash blossoms continued. 

Shared knowledge in headlines: discussing examples of headlines that are related to specific cultural references (group work). 

Main features of headlinese. Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: "Crash blossoms."

22 Outubro 2024, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Main features of headlinese: Checking the answers to Exercise B (page 19). 

Reading and discussion of READING MATTERS TEXT 7b - "Crash blossoms". Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: analysing examples of garden-path sentences or crash blossoms. Doing the exercise “Ambiguous headlines" (p. 22-23) and checking the answers (to be continued next lesson).

"Heads you win" by Ian Mayes. The language features of headlines.

17 Outubro 2024, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and analysis of the article "Heads you win" by Ian Mayes (The Guardian) (READING MATTERS TEXT 10). 

Headlines: deducing the language features of headlines (syntax, commonly used short words, and other headlinese rules) by doing exercises on pages 18-19.

HOMEWORK: Do Exercise B on page 19.

In-class Essay 1: A reaction paper.

15 Outubro 2024, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class Essay 1: A reaction paper.