1. The general theme for the course is rhetoric, with the objective of developing a critical sense of language and oral and written production that is informative and persuasive. The programme includes theory on rhetoric and historical and fictional speeches to ensure a variety of exposure to different techniques and examples of rhetoric and promote familiarization with technique, grammar and vocabulary. The programme includes exercises to develop skills to write and deliver a speech in public as well as specific practice for grammar at proficiency level.
The main objective is to explore different rhetorical techniques through examples by different authors from Ancient Greece to the XXI century in works of fiction and non-fiction. Students should develop an awareness of the informative and persuasive characteristics of written and spoken language, therefore widening the scope of linguistic knowledge of formality and expression of processes and/or ideas in written and oral means.


Speaking 1


Speaking & Rewriting


Grammar test


Writing 2


Speaking 2





               Speaking 1: Reading an existing speech

 Speaking and Rewriting: Extensive re-write adapting a speech  and Reading re-written speech

               Grammar test: Proficiency level grammar

               Writing 2: Writing an original speech

               Speaking 2: Delivering original speech

               Participation: Participation in class in debates and generally

3. Materials

Materials for class will be available for photocopy in the Reprografia Vermelha or from the shared drive.