
Metaphor and story-telling - finale

29 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Exploration of and discussion about the stories told in racist and sexist vintage ads.

Pair-work: completing a cloze procedure exercise (in the manner of the CPE Use of English exam paper) on a text rich in metaphor.
Listening: story from The Moth - 'Girl in the fruit shop' by Tony Birch. Analysis and assessment of the story.

First oral evaluations

24 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Individual oral valuations: presenting, analyzing and assessing the stories told in an ad, plus calling for, and responding to, comment.

Second visit to storytelling on The Moth

22 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

The Moth's guidelines and ground-rules for good story-telling, and their checklist for identifying and assessing key elements in good stories.

Listening and feedback: Stories on the Moth by Susan Fee, Terri Garr and Nancy Mahl.

Stories told through metaphor in varied contexts

17 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Metaphor in a children's story ( The Missing Piece Meets the Big O by Shel Silverstein). Discussion on different interpretations of meaning permitted by the same metaphor.

Metaphor in an educational film ( Cell Wars by the Medical Research Council, South Africa). Debate on the degree of success in using the army/soldier/battle metaphor to explain normal viral infection and how HIV is different.
Metaphor in advertising (Coke ad: 'Labels are for cans, not for people'). Discussion of impact.

Metaphor in storytelling

15 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Reading: opinion piece by journalist Caitlin Moran on refugees. Identification and analysis of the metaphors in the piece.

Exercises on metaphor and other figures of speech.
Pair-work: creation and development of specific metaphors about life and the stories they tell. Feedback and class discussion.
Homework: written piece expanding on and extending a chosen metaphor about life.