
Lying as storytelling

3 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Pair-work: What have you done? Game of telling truth from lies.

Small-group presentations of different methods of lie-detecting.
TED Talk: How to Spot a Liar by Pamela Meyer.
Exploration of the Devore Model of Eyescan Patterns for discerning remembered from constructed events.

The History Lesson; Debate

1 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

The History Lesson; Debate

The stories we tell

1 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Pair-work discussion on the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, followed by group feedback.

Discussion on the stories nations tell themselves about who they are.
Reading: Preface to The First Global Village by Martin Page, Group assessment of the Portuguese character presented in the piece.
Homework: Written piece about the story your own nation tells itself about who it is.

The History lesson

26 Setembro 2019, 10:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

The History lesson - Ancient Rome


26 Setembro 2019, 10:00 Gaile Parkin

Online resources, focusing primarily on The Moth and The Moth Radio Hour -- true stories told to a live audience without notes. 

Listening: the story of The Ghost of Rue Jacob told by Joan Juliet Buck. Group discussion of the story's elements and strengths.