
Visual literacy applied to cinema

24 Outubro 2023, 17:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Introduction to the elements of cinematic mise-en-scene  and discussion (with exemplification) of how denonative elements can create connotative meaning in viewers. 

Literary close reading and film analysis

19 Outubro 2023, 17:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Close reading of the opening pages of Patricia Highsmith's The Talented Mr. Ripley (text available on Moodle) using the guide in the manual. Discussion of how the structure of the text - diction, punctuation, use of vocabulary etc create the mood for the story. 

Then screening of the first 10 minutes of Anthony Mingella's film adaptation.
Discussion of the use of sound editing to create mood and also comparison of the presentation of the character of Tom in the book and the film.
Narrative films normally introduce all of the elements (characters and other) that will be important for the film in the opening section. Discussion of these elements.

Close reading of opening pages of Go Set a Watchman

17 Outubro 2023, 17:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Close reading of opening pages of Go Set a Watchman - discussion of content and the manner in which these opening pages prepare the reader for the content to follow - how it will be similar to but also differ from To Kill a Mocking Bird. 

Book vs Film

12 Outubro 2023, 17:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Continued screening of Robert Mulligan's To Kill a Mocking Bird . Discussion of the language of film as opposed to the language of literary texts. 

Testimonial Injustice and Hermeneutical Injustice

10 Outubro 2023, 17:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Discussion of the concepts of Testimonial Injustice and Hermeneutical Injustice as presented by Miranda Fricker. 

Also discussion of the way stories are told in books and films - class did a close literary reading of the opening pages of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird. This opening was then compared to the opening of Robert Mulligan's film adapatation. Discussion of the different approach used in storytelling in the different media.

Also, discussion of how the more complex film version prepares a reader "who has eyes to see" that there are more layers of nuance in the book than the film, especially when it comes to issues of class and race. 

Began screening Robert Mulligan's To Kill a Mocking Bird.