
making presentations 5

30 Março 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

High-context and low-context presentations.

Analysing and interpreting figures for a presentation (Intelligent Business Unit 5)

making presentations 4

28 Março 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Examining examples of good and poor professional presentations using video (Effective Presentations, Oxford University Press)

Further examples from YouTube.

Group feedback on the results.

maiking presentations 3

23 Março 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Describing increases and decreases using lexical verbs and different collocated adverbs.

Number pronunciation.
Active practice in pairs of describing increases and decreases.

making presentations 2

21 Março 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Content: what should you talk about in a professional presentation?

planning the order in which the themes should be presented.

making presentations 1

16 Março 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Essential components and techniques of a successful professional presentation