
CV writing 1

23 Fevereiro 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

How to approach the creation of a Europass CV.

Using the online tool available at Cedefop.

Examination of all the categories and what to include in each one, and in what order (1)

making contact 2

21 Fevereiro 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Active practice of the issues discussed in the previous class.

making contact 1

16 Fevereiro 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

Levels of register for professional contacts.

How to approach a professional contact.

Acceptable/unacceptable topics of conversation when you are introduced to someone.

introduction to the course

14 Fevereiro 2017, 16:00 John Richard Walker

introduction to the course, its objectives, materials, evaluation, etc.