
student presentations 1

20 Março 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

student presentations within a business context; feedback on quality of delivery

Presentations 4 error analysis

15 Março 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Common mistakes made in presentations at this level and how to avoid them

Presentations 3

13 Março 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

How to use pause and emphasis (active practice)

video: Dr. Linden without, and then with, pause and emphasis (Effective Presentations) 

Presentations 2

8 Março 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

video: Joanna and marketing plans for the brewery (incorrect and correct), from Effective Presentations by Jeremy Comfort (OUP)

feedback on what went wrong, and then on what was good

Video: How to avoid death by Powerpoint - David Phillips (observing common mistakes in presentation slides)


6 Março 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

We ended up not having the class due to an accident with one of the studentswaiting outside in the corridor. The abulance took more than an hour to arrive!