
letters 1

8 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Creating a cover letter to accompany the CV

letter format


6 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

examining CV2 (Ann Other) and finiding problems in it.

alternative CV formats: Marissa Mayer (CV folder)


1 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

examining examples CVs from the CEDEFOP Europass website and finding problems in them

CV1 Betty Smith

CV preparation 2

30 Janeiro 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Analysis of one of the example CVs on the CEDEFOP website: Betty Smith

The importance of accuracy, and of unity of format

What the information transmits to the potential emplyer

CV preparation 1

25 Janeiro 2023, 14:00 John Richard Walker

The CEDEFOP Europass CV online form

Working our way through the different sections: what (not) to include