
Tania Gregg


In line with the CEFR descriptors, students of C1.1. level are expected to be able to understand a wide range of demanding texts and recognise implicit meaning. They should be able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously and use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Students should also be capable of producing clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.


This C1.1. course will focus more specifically on the following areas:


1. Writing a formal/ academic essay


Students will be encouraged to adopt a critical approach to their writing and will learn how to structure a formal text. They will be introduced to the various features of an essay and be expected to reproduce these patterns in their own texts.


2. Writing a film review


Students will be introduced to the characteristics of a film review. A contemporary British film will be viewed in class and will serve as the basis for students' own reviews.


3. Debating techniques 


Based on the Oxford-Union style, students will develop their oral skills by participating in controlled class debates. The aim of this activity is to further promote students' criticality and give them practice in constructing and organising persuasive arguments.


Class Materials


Students will be able to access all the materials for classes on Moodle. The teacher will notify the students of the material required for each class as the course progresses.


Recommended Grammars and Dictionaries


 Hewings, M. (2005) Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge:CUP

 Foley, M. and Hall, D. (2003) Advanced Learners’ Grammar, Harlow: Longman

Collins Cobuild Dictionary of English Language

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English



Assessment Criteria


13 October - Film Review - 25%


10 November - Formal essay - 40%


5/12/15 December- Debating assessment - 30%


Attendance  and participation- 5%




Students must be present for ALL the elements of evaluation in order to pass the course.

Students must submit their own work on all occasions. When citing or paraphrasing other authors, full references must be provided.



