
Lesson 10

21 Outubro 2024, 15:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

"Paradise Lost" by John Milton (fragments) - reading, discussion, writing an outline of an epic poem

Talk | Fantasy & Female Heroism

21 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Ana Rita Martins

Talk | Fantasy & Female Heroism (with Professor Diana Marques, PhD)

Lesson 10

18 Outubro 2024, 14:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Tackling the real issue" (politics) - listening, speaking, vocabulary (pp. 102-103)

- "Austria lowered the voting age for young people like me..." (pp. 105-107)

Homework: read p. 104, exs. 1-2 p. 103


18 Outubro 2024, 12:30 Gaile Parkin

Pairwork practice in crafting the opening paragraph for a range of comparative essays.

Tutorial/4th hour work:  Grammar practice.

Homework: Read the section about PG Wodehouse in the Coursebook.


18 Outubro 2024, 11:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

Debate- Hip hop vs authenticity