"Red Dress" by Alice Munro and "Through the tunnel" by Doris Lessing

15 Abril 2020, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Watching an interview with Nobel-prize winner Alice Munro: "Alice Munro in her own words: 2013 Nobel Prize" (https://youtu.be/EgKC_SDhOKk)
Discussing the interview against "Red dress" the short story authored by Munro.
Discussing the short story. Reading comprehension questions (pages 67-68).
Comparing and contrasting the main character in "Red Dress" and "the English boy" in "Through the tunnel " by Lessing.
NB: Homework  a)  re-read "Through the tunnel" by Lessing and "The first sense" by Nadine Gordimer ; b) watch the first 22 minutes of  "Doris Lessing, the reluctant heroine"  (https://youtu.be/QLYbX3R9gls)