
Lesson 2

15 Setembro 2023, 18:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

Writing skills: An autobiography 

Lesson 2

15 Setembro 2023, 15:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

Writing skills: An autobiography 


15 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Gaile Parkin

Small group discussion about what makes something funny. Feedback to the class.

Presentation of three theories of comedy – Incongruity; Superiority; Relief – with video examples.

Online quiz to determine personal humour style, then discussions in groups referring to types of humour in the Coursebook.

Tutorial/4th hour work: Do the Enneagram quiz to establish your personality type.

Homework: Explore, learn and practice the vocabulary relating to describing character in units 8-14 of English Vocabulary in Use.

Diagnostic exercise

15 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

Diagnostic exercise

Lesson 2

14 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Kathryn Gray Craven

Grammar Self-diagnosis

Mixed Tenses Ex 2
Drag and Drop Advanced
Ex 1, 2 and 3