
Lesson 1

11 Setembro 2023, 15:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Introduction to the course

- Need analysis questionnaire

- Mini-presentations: What I love to do

Lesson 1 - Summary

11 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Kathryn Gray Craven

Icebreaking lesson

Writing brainstorm
Goal to broaden and deepen active use of complex grammar, vocabulary and collocations, while readng and writing creative non-fiction.
Presentation of course requirements:


This course will concentrate on reading and writing creative non-fiction. Significant amounts of reading long-form journalistic articles will be required. Reading must be done promptly, as students’ work will contribute to that of their classmates. You will write three, 2000-word compositions, listen to critique, and revise them. One will be submitted for evaluation. 



The instructor encourages students to make use of tutorial sessions to clarify questions about assignments, grammar, and vocabulary. 


·       In-person. Mondays 11:30 am – 12:00 pm, or by appointment

·       Zoom. Schedule to be determined


Students will be assessed on attendance, one test (grammar, vocabulary and short answer questions), an oral presentation, and three at-home essays according to the following breakdown:


20%    Exercises, group work, and participation

25%    Written test (grammar, vocabulary, short answer questions)   

20%    Oral presentation 

35%    Three at-home compositions



Course pack available at Reprografia Vermelha

Dictionaries and linguistic references: Students are expected to regularly consult a monolingual dictionary, online or in book form. Recommended sources:




·       – Synonym dictionary

·       – Collocation dictionary. Especially good for verbs, adjs, adv and preps

·       – Endless adjectives for common nouns


Classroom Policies

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s ideas or work either in written or spoken work. It will not be tolerated. Work found to be plagiarized will immediately receive a grade of zero. Make sure you are well acquainted with the FLUL Assessment Regulations with regard to fraud and plagiarism.


Attendance and Punctuality

·                As stated in the School of Arts and Humanities Assessment Regulations published on the FLUL website, students are required to comply with 100% attendance.

·                Any absence must be justified up to 10 days after a class has been missed.

·                Students are responsible for preparing for the following class, following an absence. Ask a colleague or consult the online class summaries. Do not ask email you teacher about this as she may not be able to answer in a timely fashion.

·                Classes start five minutes after the set hour. Being late not only disturbs class but is also a sign of disrespect for your classmates and your teacher.

·                A medical certificate or other formal justification is required to reschedule tests or assignments.