
Writing activity

17 Novembro 2020, 15:30 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Writing activity : discussing the two films (Secrets& Lies and Philomena) against a given statement. 

Writing activity

17 Novembro 2020, 12:30 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Writing activity : discussing the two films (Secrets& Lies and Philomena) against a given statement. 

paragraphs and sentences 1

17 Novembro 2020, 12:30 John Richard Walker

What is a sentence? 

What is a paragraph?
The concept of a paragraph as a section of text containing a single idea, composed of several component thoughts (the sentences)
Identifying the single idea in each paragraph of a text

Verb patterns. Academic Writing

16 Novembro 2020, 17:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Verb patterns: SCB 78

Academic Writing: SCB 33-43
Explanation of Mock Debate to Volunteers

HW: SCB 44-6, PRACTICE 2 ex.2 and 3 + PRACTICE 3 ex. 2 and 3

Discussing "Philomena" by Stephen Frears

16 Novembro 2020, 15:30 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing "Philomena" by Stephen Frears