
An excerpt from "On the pulse of the morning" by Maya Angelou.

28 Janeiro 2021, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

An excerpt from "On the pulse of the morning" by American author Maya Angelou: group analysis of the poem.


27 Janeiro 2021, 17:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

turma encerrada

Lesson 3

27 Janeiro 2021, 15:30 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Everyday English: "Don't touch the sandwiches" (conversation skills: breaking off the conversation + giving instructions)

- Homework: revision of verb forms (exercise)

Warm-up & Revision Activities

27 Janeiro 2021, 12:30 Ana Rita Martins

Warm-up Activity: "All that we share"

Prezi available here.

Brainstorming ideas about Native America, the Rainbow Nation, and modern-day India.

27 Janeiro 2021, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Brainstorming ideas about Native America, the Rainbow Nation, and modern-day India: speaking activity.

HOMEWORK: From picture into story: write a first-/third-person account (200-400 words) based on the pictures sent by email. This assignment is due tomorrow evening (28th January). Save your work as a WORD file and email it to me please.