Unidade Curricular | Course Unit
Inglês B2.2 (Vantagem Avançado) | English B2.2 (Strong Vantage) |
Código da Unidade Curricular | Course ID
11926 |
ECTS | Credits
6 |
Ciclo de Estudos | Level
1º |
Semestre | Semester
2nd |
Docente(s) | Instructor(s)
Paula Horta |
Língua de ensino | Language of instruction
English |
Programa (na língua de ensino) | Course description (in language of instruction)
English B2.2 builds on the competencies gained at English B2.1 level. While it works on all four language skills, it aims essentially to develop students’ academic English skills. Besides further improving the acquired knowledge of grammatical structures, students will expand their vocabulary. Particular emphasis will be given to in-depth analysis of contemporary texts, ranging from short stories to newspaper and magazine articles. Students will be expected to convey a solid understanding of complex language structures and devices, to question and interpret specific cultural references, and to be capable of transmitting such skills through spoken and written discourse. |
Avaliação (na língua de ensino) | Grading and Assessment (in language of instruction)
Assessment will be continuous. Students are expected to attend all classes and to complete readings (and other assignments) prior to the class for which they have been scheduled. Students will also be required to perform a variety of in-class activities (both written and oral) and prepare a longer assignment to be presented orally.
The assessment criteria are as follows: One in-class written assignment: 15% Research project on one of the themes of the programme: 30% Written Test: 35% Attendance, course work and participation: 20%
Submission of Work: Late submission WILL NOT be accepted. Students who submit work after the deadline will be automatically subject to a mark of zero. Students should contact me at the earliest opportunity if they cannot meet the deadline FOR A MEDICAL REASON and ask for permission for late submission in advance of the deadline. The student’s request should be accompanied or followed by medical evidence or other documentation where appropriate.
Bibliografia (selection) | Readings (selection)
A course book with a selection of articles, book chapters, and short stories will be made available at the beginning of the academic year at the red photocopy shop. |