
Lesson 15

1 Abril 2019, 12:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "South is up" - listening + vocabulary: binomials (pp. 97-98)

- Homework: p. 99

One-to-one discussion on the research project proposal

1 Abril 2019, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

3 April: Presentation of reading assignments

Discussion of research project proposals.

1 Abril 2019, 08:00 Lili Cavalheiro

Discussion of research project proposals.

Due to a medical situation there has been a minor change in the calendar for the reading assignment presentations. See learning platform for updated list - 01/04.

For the research project presentations you need to:
- rewrite your abstracts/outlines/references and submit them on the day of the presentation;
- send to me by email your PPT presentations before the day of your presentation (do not forget!).

Today we also discussed the importance of good oral presentations and what they consist of. Here are some links to help you prepare: - academic skills - presenting effectively - good presentation vs bad presentation - how to prepare an oral research presentation

Keep in mind that each presentation ( Exit West + research project) is worth 25% of your grade, in other words, the two of them add up to 50%. It is extremely important that these presentations are well prepared and presented, through a critical perspective.

On Wednesday, April 3, the written tests will be handed back with feedback.

1st essay

28 Março 2019, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Text 1 and 2 FINAL REVISION. Paragraph writing. Setting 1st assessed essay.

1st essay

28 Março 2019, 10:00 David Michael Greer

Text 1 and 2 FINAL REVISION. Paragraph writing. Setting 1st assessed essay.