Documentary: Stare into the Lights my Pretties.

13 Março 2019, 08:00 Lili Cavalheiro

 Watch and respond questions about the documentary:  Stare into the Lights my Pretties (available at:

Give reading assignment question dates. See e-learning platform for the dates (also sent by email).

The assignment is to be presented as an oral presentation to the class. You may use PowerPoint/Prezi or the likes to illustrate your presentation; however, it is not mandatory.

In addition to your presentation, you will also take on the role of a respondent to another classmate's presentation. In other words, you will need to comment on and ask a question about someone else's presentation, similarly like what you will have to do for your research project presentation (see p. 15 of the course book for a more detailed explanation of your role). Please check the document, because your dates as a respondent have also been established.

This is part of your final assessment. If you do not attend class on that day, you will get a 0. If for some reason your are sick, it is important to notify me as soon as possible and submit a medical justification.