
1st Written Test

24 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

1st Written Test

Indigenous literature moving beyond the residential schools

19 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Indigenous literature moving beyond the residential schools - looking at the work of Joshua Whitehead and Helen Knott. 

Also, fitting Whitehead's work within the context of Atwood's Survival.

Residential School, the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission and outcomes from this. History review

17 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Looking at the history from the 1980s to 2010s with particular emphasis on Canada's movement towards a multiracial community - apology to Asian communities.

Review of the Residential School system, and Canada's apology as well as the the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission and its outcomes. Discussion of the National Collaboration Centre for Aboriginal Health report on "Aboriginal Peoples and Historic Trauma".

Revision of course materials

Survival and Victim Positions

12 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Finish screening of Michael McGowen's One Week (2008) and discussion of surival and victime positions the characters go through.  

Survival as a central theme of Canadian literature (and life)

10 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Discussion of the concept of Survival as a central theme of Canadian literature (and life) and the Victim Positions Canadian literary characters go through as presented by Margaret Atwood. 

Began screening of Michael McGowen's One Week (2008) to discuss the above themes.