Course Unit

Language and Communication

Course ID





1st cycle





Tjerk Hagemeijer

Language of instruction



Course description


This course aims to (i) introduce the principles that regulate spoken and written verbal activity and the conditions of successful communication in real-life linguistic interaction, as well as (ii) to reflect on the specific properties of different types of communication.

Competences to be acquired:

(i) To identify the principles that underly verbal activity;

(ii) To distinguish properties of spoken communication from those of written communication;

(iii) To identify different types of inferential processes and to interpret implicit information;

(iv) To recognize the importance of extralinguistic factors in the interpretation of utterances.


1. Communication and human language.

2. Spoken communication: (i) production and perception of the speech chain; (ii) situational and linguistic properties of informal speech.

3. Principles that regulate the use of language.

4. Illocutionary acts.

5. Inferential processes.

6. Written communication.


Grading and Assessment

(i) Two written tests.

(ii) Relevant participation in the classroom and in the assignments requested throughout the semester.


Readings (selection)

Birner, B. J. 2013. Introduction to pragmatics. Chichester/Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell.

Coulmas, F. 1989. The writing systems of the world. Oxford, Cambridge MA: Basil Blackwell.

Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. & Hyams, N. 2011. An introduction to language, 9th ed. Wadsworth (international edition).

Pridham, F. 2001. The language of conversation. London, New York: Routledge.

Thomas, J. 1995. Meaning in interaction: an introduction to pragmatics. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.