Information on the program, general bibliography and evaluation criteria | Talk by Lucy Dos Passos Coggin on John Dos Passos

17 Setembro 2019, 16:00 Maria Teresa de Salter Cid Gonçalves Rocha Pires


The beginning of the twentieth century and American Modernism

Robert Frost – “Mending Wall” | “The Road not Taken” | “The Gift Outright”

Gertrude Stein – “Ada”| “Picasso” | “To Americans” | “Composition as Explanation”

Ezra Pound – “A Few Don’ts by an Imagiste” | “In a Station of the Metro” | “A Retrospect” 

T. S. Eliot – “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” | “Tradition and The Individual Talent” 8 Marianne Moore – “Poetry” | “ England”

William Carlos Williams – “Spring and All” (excertos) | “This is Just to Say”

Ernest Hemingway – “Hills Like White Elephants” | “A Clean Well-Lighted Place”

F. Scott Fitzgerald – The Great Gatsby

Anzia Yezierska – “America and I”

Willa Cather – “Neighbour Rosicky”

Langston Hughes – “The Weary Blues”| “I, Too”| “Let America Be America Again”| “Harlem”

Zora Neale Hurston – “The Gilded Six-bits”

William Faulkner – “A Rose for Emily”

Eudora Welty – “A Worn Path”

Nathanael West – The Day of the Locust


  • Attendance – 5%;

  • Regular participation in the class discussions – 15%;

  • Oral presentation of research project – 20%;

  • Short written texts analyses – 20%;

  • In-class written assessments – in October (10%) and in December (30%)

    Bibliography (general)

    Bayam, Nina (Ed.). The Norton Anthology of American Literature: 1865 to Present. New York: Norton, 2009.

    Butler, C. Modernism. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010.
    Kalaidjian, Walter. The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005 Ross, Stephen (Ed.). Modernism and Theory: A Critical Debate. New York: Routledge, 2009.

    Wagner-Martin, Linda. The Routledge Introduction to American Modernism (Routledge Introductions to American Literature). New York: Routledge, 2016