Henry David Thoreau, Walden

26 Outubro 2016, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

The circumstances of the writing of Walden and Thoreau as keeper of journals; intertextuality with Alberto Caeiro:
Individualism / egotism (I, my readers) against the mass of men: “The mass of men live lifes of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.”

The I in the centre of the circle attending to the rays that emanate from him; the others are in the periphery, eccentric.

Invective against common sense and the voice of the elders (although Thoreau quotes from several ancient sources).

The use of parables and feedack on homework: http://euliteratura.blogspot.pt/2016/10/homework-for-oct-24-and-26-parables-and.html