
Workshop 10: Exercises

13 Abril 2023, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

Exercises on groups and phrases. The Noun Group and the functions of its constituents.

Lecture 10: Groups and Phrases

11 Abril 2023, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

Below the Clause: Groups and Phrases. The experiential structure of the Noun Group with its pre and post modifiers. Structural and functional classifications.

Workshop 9: Exercises

30 Março 2023, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

Exercises: clause complexes in texts and the taxis and logico-semantic relations establishe between their clauses. 

Lecture 9: Troubleshooting

28 Março 2023, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

Comparisons and distinctions: querying units of analysis. Different clause or circumstance in the clause? Relative clauses: hypotactic elaborations or embedded clause? Ranking clauses: hypotaxis or parataxis? Embedded clause in groups.

Workshop 8: complements to the trinocular description of a language.

23 Março 2023, 12:30 Carlos Gouveia

New theoretical aspects related to each one of the three components of language description: thematised comments and predicated themes (clause as message); values of modality (clause as exchange); and identifying relational processes, types of circumstances and ergativity (clause as representation).

Exercises: correction of the mid-semester test and the exercises done in workshop 7.