
George Orwell and 'Shooting an Elephant' (1936).

21 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

George Orwell and 'Shooting an Elephant' (1936).

Issues of ethics, self-awareness and decisive choices.

From the post- first war period to the second world war. Transformations in society and in literary writing.

19 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

From the post- first war period to the second world war. 

Some significant transformations in society and in literary writing.

The period between the wars. Orwell and the awareness of imperialism in 'Shooting an Elephant' (1936)

14 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

The period between the wars. 

Orwell and the awareness of imperialism in 'Shooting an Elephant' (1936)

Woolf and 'Kew Gardens' (1919). Short fiction and writing experiments.

12 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Woolf and 'Kew Gardens' (1919). 

Short fiction and writing experiments.
Epiphany, free indirect discourse, interior monologue.

Woolf and Mansfield. Transforming (short) fiction

7 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Woolf and Mansfield. 

Transforming (short) fiction.