
New realities and a new poetry. Reading and discussing of some poets and poems of the First World War

1 Outubro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

New realities and a new poetry. 
Reading and discussing of some poets and poems of the First World War, with special attention devoted to: 

Rupert Brooke, 'Rain' (1916), Isaac Rosenberg, 'Break of Day in the Trenches' (1916, 1922), Mary Borden, 'The Song of the Mud' (1917) and Wilfred Owen 'Strange Meeting' (May? 1918, 1920).

Reading and reflecting upon the literary representation of war.

Deadline for the handing in of student forms.

The challenges of war representation and the challenges of flourishing modernism/s

26 Setembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

The human and literary challenges of war representation and the challenges of flourishing modernism/s.

The Assessment criteria. Reading in class of Rupert Brooke, The Soldier (1914), and Edward Thomas, Rain (1916).

24 Setembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

The Assessment criteria explained in detail (group essay, final test, MLA style sheet, etc)

Reading in class of Rupert Brooke, The Soldier (1914), and Edward Thomas, Rain (1916).

Introducing the teacher, the Course Programme and the required Bibliography.

19 Setembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Back to the first class topics.

And a very brief introduction to the First World War and to some of the myths around it. The literary canon and the war poets.

Introducing the teacher, the Course Programme and the required Bibliography.

17 Setembro 2018, 10:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Introducing the teacher, the Course Programme and the required Bibliography.

Planning of classes and assessment criteria given to the students.

Reprografia Verde, File 1 for any complementary texts.