
The First World War as a life changing historical social and cultural event. Reading Andrew Motion, ‘Harry Patch’ (2009).

27 Setembro 2017, 08:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

The First World War as a life changing historical social and cultural event. 

Reading Andrew Motion, ‘Harry Patch’ (2009).

An in-depth reading of the Introduction to the volume is required for these week’s classes. The timeline should also be taken into consideration throughout the semester.
Students who do not have the required Anthology please make good use of one of the 12 volumes at Biblioteca Central.

Identificação dos alunos e breve introdução a questões de canone

25 Setembro 2017, 08:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Introducing the teacher, the programme and the required bibliography.

A very short initial approach to the continuous writing and rewriting of the literary canon.

Planning of the semester given to the students.

The majority of Portuguese students enrolled did not attend this first class. 
Some of the Erasmus / interchange students were advised to take a placement test and /or look for a different class due to apparent lack of the necessary knowledge of English.
Students were asked to urgently upload their photos!

Introducing the teacher and the students - very large numbers of Erasmus students in class. Further comments on the course syllabus.

20 Setembro 2017, 08:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Introducing the teacher and the students - very large numbers of Erasmus students in class. 

Further comments on the course syllabus.

Assessment criteria further explained: group work is always to be expected (very special cases to be dealt with until early October)
Practical issues regarding accesses to mandatory reading materials, with special mention to The Norton Anthology (see on-line syllabus) and to the Main Library Electronic Resources.

NOTE: A significant number of the Portuguese students enrolled have so far been absent from this second class.
There has been no possibility of 'creating' student forms or files through Fénix.

Identificação dos alunos e breve introdução a questões de canone

18 Setembro 2017, 08:00 Luísa Maria Rodrigues Flora

Introducing the teacher, the programme and the required bibliography.

A very short initial approach to the continuous writing and rewriting of the literary canon.

Planning of the semester given to the students.

The majority of Portuguese students enrolled did not attend this first class. 
Some of the Erasmus / interchange students were advised to take a placement test and /or look for a different class due to apparent lack of the necessary knowledge of English.
Students were asked to urgently upload their photos!