
Linguistic diversity 2

24 Setembro 2019, 12:00 Hugo Canelas Cardoso

- The Comparative Method (conclusion): exercise (analysis of cognates in 4 Malayo-Polynesian lanuages to identify and interpret sound correspondences).

- Language families:

a) The Indo-European language family: constitution (subgroups).

Linguistic diversity 1

19 Setembro 2019, 12:00 Hugo Canelas Cardoso

- Issues involved in counting the number of languages of the world;

- Origin myths addressing language diversity;

- Heterogeneity in the distribution of languages (number of speakers, locati0on, genetic grouping);

- The establishment of genetic relations: the Comparative Method.

Introduction to the course

17 Setembro 2019, 12:00 Hugo Canelas Cardoso

- Presentation and discussion of the course syllabus, explaining its objectives, contents, calendar, evaluation and means of communication between the class and the lecturer.

- Scheduling the moments of evaluation:

      1st test (31/10)
      2nd test (17/12)

- Establishing access to the course online platform:

Homework: Read Anderson's text (available on the platform).