
Language contact

3 Dezembro 2019, 12:00 Tjerk Hagemeijer

- Linguistic areas: properties and example of the Balkan region
- Code-switching: properties, typology, and examples
- Mixed language: properties and examples
- The pidgin-creole cycle.

Reading: Winford (2013)
Exercise on samples of language contact

Pluricentricity of Portuguese / Language contact

28 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Tjerk Hagemeijer

- Ausbau of African varieties of Portuguese: factors explaining the increasing numbers of L1/L2 speakers in Angola, Mozambique, and S. Tomé and Príncipe; Portuguese in a linguistically diverse ecology.
- Language contact: definition, consequences (shift, maintenance, new languages)
- Example of lexical borrowing

Reading: Winford (2003)
Exercise on language contact (on the page in the "readings" section)

Pluricentricity (Portuguese)

26 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Tjerk Hagemeijer

- The process of Ausbau of  European Portuguese since the 12th century
- The process of Ausbau of  Brazilian Portuguese since the 19th century
- The nativization of Portuguese in Angola, Mozambique, and S. Tomé and Príncioe and signs of Ausbau

Reading: Muller de Oliveira (2016) 


21 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Tjerk Hagemeijer

- Dominance and non-dominance in pluricentric constellations and the signs of linguistic Ausbau.
- Discussion of several case-studies, e.g. French, Spanish, Dutch

Readings: Muhr (2012), Muller de Oliveira (2016)

Linguas francas / Pluricentricity

19 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Tjerk Hagemeijer

- Centrality and linguistic networks: hypercentral, supercentral, central, and peripheral languages
- Linguistic centraliy in the European Union
- Artificial linguas francas (e.g. Esperanto)
- Pluricentricy: definition of pluricentricity and examples of pluricentric languages

Readings: Muhr (2012); Muller de Oliveira (2016)