3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community.

29 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community. Changes in the Portuguese legislation and regulation to accommodate needs resulting from joining the EC (the constitutional revision of 1989). Changes at the EC level in order to promote social and economic cohesion (Delors I and II Packages, the Single European Act, the Maastricht Treaty). The growth of foreign direct investment, the privatizations and political stability in Portugal. Discussion of the text “EU structural funds in Portugal. A mixed picture” (authored by Alfredo Marques). The students had to answer a set of questions pertaining to the text.



Sebastián Royo, “Lessons from Spain and Portugal in the European Union after 20 years”, Pôle Sud, 2007/1,n° 26 (https://www.cairn.info/revue-pole-sud-2007-1-page-19.htm).

Alfredo Marques (2014) “EU structural funds in Portugal. A mixed picture”, in Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (ed.), Portugal in the European Union. Assessing twenty-five years of integration experience, pp.115-130. London, Routledge.



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