From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe.

3 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

II - From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe. 2.1 - The new state strategy in defence of colonial space and the fear of European integration. From the 1st Republic to the Military Dictatorship (1926): main economic, demographic and social features and political upheavals of the period between 5/10/1910 and 28/5/1926. The Military Dictatorship (1926-1933). From 1933 onwards: the “Estado Novo”’s corporate organization and the 1933 Constitution.



José Manuel Ferraz (1975) – “O desenvolvimento socioeconómico durante a Primeira República 1910-26”, Análise Social, Vol. XI (2.º-3.º), No. 42-43, pp. 454-471. (

Douglas L. Wheeler (1978) – “A Primeira República Portuguesa e a história”, Análise Social, Vol. 14, No. 56, pp. 865-872. ( )

Cardoso, José Luís; e Rocha, Maria Manuela (2002) – “Corporativismo e Estado – Providência”, XII Encontro da APHES.

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