From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe (cont.).

8 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

II - From Portugal at the municipal level to Portugal in Europe. 2.1 - The new state strategy in defence of colonial space and the fear of European integration. Features of the period of programmed stagnation or ruralism. The “Estado Novo’s” corporate organization, the Law of Industrial Conditioning and the Law of Economic Reconstitution. Results of these political options. The unique party system headed by União Nacional. Censorship and freedom. Reading and answering questions concerning the text “The rise of dictatorship” by Costa, Lains and Miranda (2016; pp.298-303).



Caldeira, Arlindo Manuel (1986) – “O partido de Salazar: antecedentes, organizações e funções da União Nacional (1926-1934)”, Análise Social, Vol. XX, No. 94, pp. 943-977. ( )

Cardoso, José Luís; e Rocha, Maria Manuela (2002) – “Corporativismo e Estado – Providência”, XII Encontro da APHES.

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Béla Tomka (2013) - A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe. London, Routledge.

Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016) - An economic history of Portugal 1143-2010. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

